Boost Business Results with the PESO Model

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Jun 4, 2024 10:28:00 AM



Public relations isn’t just media relations anymore

Public relations and advertising used to live in two different realms, with a solid wall separating paid media -- paid placements like advertising -- and earned media -- publicity gained through valuable content contributions, company mentions, or interviews with journalists.

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Topics: Journalist, Press coverage, Content marketing, Audience, Award, Corporate communications, Client relations

5 Ways the PESO Model Delivers Great Content Results

Posted by Consuelo Reinberg on May 29, 2024 11:49:00 AM



Build your brand - By effectively using an orchestrated outreach strategy, such as PESOTM (created by Gini Dietrich), across all channels, marketers will extend the reach and increase the overall effectiveness of their efforts, boosting both brand loyalty and revenue.

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Topics: Journalist, Press coverage, Content marketing, Content, Marketing, Metrics, Social media, Brand, Audience, Corporate communications, Client relations, PESO, Earned media, Shared media, Owned media

How the PESO Model Maximizes Thought Leadership Marketing

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on May 22, 2024 10:00:00 AM



The PESO model is an integrated approach that strengthens your ability to leverage your thought leadership content, building trust and credibility with audiences across multiple channels.

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Topics: Content marketing, Content, Customer communications, Corporate communications, SEO, PESO, Paid media, Earned media, Shared media, Owned media

Social Media Benefits and Challenges of the PESO Model

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Apr 21, 2024 11:15:00 AM



Social media always needs to be in complete synch with inbound and content marketing, PR, and customer communications. This is especially critical when it comes to the PESOTM model (created by Gini Dietrich), which drives brand awareness, reputation, and sales by integrating Paid, Earned, Shared, and Owned media, maximizing content.

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Topics: Content marketing, Content, Customer communications, Corporate communications, SEO, PESO, Paid media, Earned media, Shared media, Owned media

The Real Need for Messaging as a Service (MaaS)

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on Apr 8, 2024 11:17:00 AM

Hmmm…should this be a blog or rant?

We’re constantly amazed at the number of companies who’ve been around for years and don’t have a cohesive messaging document (MD).

While I understand the aversion – MDs are difficult to execute, with various stakeholders within the company trying to get their voices heard – a well-conceived MD creates a virtual paint-by-numbers scenario, where all of your USPs are well defined for audiences across the purchasing chain, smoothing the account-based marketing process.

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Topics: Marketing, Brand, Customer communications, Message, Messaging, Corporate communications, Client relations, Integrated marketing

10 Keys to B2P Marketing Success

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Jan 23, 2024 2:06:00 PM

At the end of the day, businesses market to people, not to faceless decision-making committees or a bunch of same-demographic consumers. Whether you’re selling to CEOs or stay-at-home dads, your marketing should speak to individual customers - think “human” instead of “the client” or “the client company” - each with his or her own tastes, interests, expectations, preferences, life, and work situations.

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Topics: Content marketing, Content, Marketing, Brand, Customer communications, Audience, Messaging, Corporate communications, ABM, PESO

Seven Tips for Successful B2B Collaborative Marketing

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on Jul 25, 2023 11:34:00 AM

The best version of collaborative marketing drives success for everyone involved – sharing channels to present complementary solutions strengthens both brands while increasing leads.

1) Select the type of B2B partnership you need

  • Strategic partnership - Align with non-competitive companies that offer products or services that complement yours - for example, a healthcare provider and a health data platform that offers remote access - can help both brands reach into each other’s markets to expand their customer base and grow revenue.
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Topics: Content marketing, Content, Customer communications, Corporate communications, Account-based marketing, Collaborative marketing, SMART Goals

HELP WANTED: Eight People to Rock My Inbound Marketing

Posted by Consuelo Reinberg on Jun 29, 2023 6:45:00 AM

How to hire an A-team that delivers quantifiable results

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Topics: Public relations, Journalist, Content marketing, Content, Marketing, Metrics, Social media, Persona, Inbound marketing, Audience, Personas, PR, Corporate communications, SEO

Five Ways PR Drives Corporate Reputation and Investor Confidence

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on May 23, 2023 2:41:00 PM

No other tool drives reputation management more effectively than public relations.

What Is Reputation Management, and How Does It Drive Investment Decisions?

Corporate reputation refers to what people think of your brand, company, or product. Reputation management deals with the efforts to influence and burnish such public perceptions - critical to your business’ survival and success. It has become pivotal in its impact on investor relationships, confidence, and, ultimately, decisions. The same goes for rapid, open response when there’s a problem or a crisis – the response immediately effects your reputation.

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Topics: Content marketing, Social media, Brand, Customer communications, Corporate communications, Marketing qualified leads (MQL), Sales qualified leads (SQL), Corporate social responsibility, CSR, Investor relations

The Early Client (Gets the PR)

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on May 10, 2023 11:54:00 AM

PR experts are attuned to the momentum of the media. We understand that in order to present a compelling package to any journalist - a story that gets them interested, it takes research beyond just what AI gives you and requires having all the tools, especially a messaging document and “quotes on demand” – ready to deploy at a moment’s notice.

Even with AI, your company sits on years of proprietary information - product details, customer-focused data, executive expertise - that can be leveraged to generate PR.

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Topics: Journalist, News story, News value, Media, Audience, Messaging, PR, Corporate communications

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