Why Integrated Marketing is Essential for B2Bs

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on May 8, 2024 6:19:00 PM

Today’s B2B buyers and their buyer’s journeys have changed, and that’s why integrated marketing matters - a lot.

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Topics: Marketing, Brand, Customer communications, Account-based marketing, Influencer, B2B, Customer journey, Integrated marketing, Influencer marketing

How SMART Goals Make for a Smarter Marketing Strategy

Posted by Consuelo Reinberg on Apr 10, 2024 5:56:00 PM

How can marketers get smarter about marketing strategy? The answer is goal setting, and more specifically - SMART goals setting. SMART stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.

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Topics: Content marketing, Content, Metrics, Social media, Persona, Inbound marketing, Messaging, Account-based marketing, Planning, Tactics, Buyer's journey, Integrated marketing, SMART Goals

Strengthen Connections with ABM

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on Mar 31, 2024 11:56:16 AM

Taking an account-based marketing (ABM) approach pinpoints your focus on a few high-opportunity, high-value accounts who are more likely to pay attention to your communications because they actually need your product and have the budget for it.

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Topics: Marketing, Inbound marketing, Messaging, PR, Account-based marketing, Sales, ABM

Creating the Perfect Combination of Account-based & Inbound Marketing

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on Mar 26, 2024 12:32:00 PM

At first glance, account-based marketing (ABM) and inbound seem like polar opposites: ABM focuses on decision makers within particular enterprises and engages them with personalized communication. Inbound marketing takes a more expansive approach, attracting customers to products and services by creating valuable content.

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Topics: Marketing, Inbound marketing, Messaging, PR, Account-based marketing, Sales, ABM

How Account-based Marketing Relieves Five Marketing Headaches

Posted by Consuelo Reinberg on Mar 12, 2024 1:54:00 PM

Taking an account-based marketing (ABM) approach pinpoints your focus on a few high-opportunity, high-value accounts who are more likely to pay attention to your communications because they actually need your product and have the budget for it.

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Topics: Marketing, Inbound marketing, Messaging, PR, Account-based marketing, Sales, ABM

How to Overcome the Five Barriers to Sales & Marketing Alignment

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on Mar 5, 2024 5:42:00 PM

Build up ABM success by bringing down the silos

Not all prospects give you the best fit or highest value for your solution - thus, the ever-increasing adoption of account-based marketing. Approximately 92 percent of B2B marketers consider ABM a critical component of their marketing efforts; and 87 percent of ROI-measuring marketers say that ABM tops all other marketing investments.

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Topics: Marketing, Inbound marketing, Messaging, PR, Account-based marketing, Sales, ABM

Your ABM Needs and Our Marketing Communications Resources

Posted by Consuelo Reinberg on Feb 29, 2024 12:31:00 PM

Amy Kenigsberg, COO & Co-founder, talks about how K2 can up your ABM game

Ask any marketer - account-based marketing, which targets and engages specific accounts with personalized campaigns, is a powerful and profitable strategy.

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Topics: Marketing, Inbound marketing, Messaging, PR, Account-based marketing, Sales, ABM

Quick Tips to Improve Your Website

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Aug 10, 2023 11:31:00 AM

Thanks for using K2 Global Communications Website Grader Tool. If you haven't, you can access it here.

No matter your score, here are some quick tips to generate more active visits for your existing and potential client base.

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Topics: Content marketing, Marketing, Brand, Customer communications, SEO, Account-based marketing, Client relations, Integrated marketing, Collaborative marketing, Website

Seven Tips for Successful B2B Collaborative Marketing

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on Jul 25, 2023 11:34:00 AM

The best version of collaborative marketing drives success for everyone involved – sharing channels to present complementary solutions strengthens both brands while increasing leads.

1) Select the type of B2B partnership you need

  • Strategic partnership - Align with non-competitive companies that offer products or services that complement yours - for example, a healthcare provider and a health data platform that offers remote access - can help both brands reach into each other’s markets to expand their customer base and grow revenue.
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Topics: Content marketing, Content, Customer communications, Corporate communications, Account-based marketing, Collaborative marketing, SMART Goals

B2B: Eight Ways to Successfully Market to Influencers

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on Jun 14, 2023 2:16:00 PM

Recent research indicates that influencer marketing can generate 11 times greater ROI than more traditional strategies. Unlike conventional tactics that push a message in front of sometimes reluctant audiences, influencer marketing delivers your message via credible, authoritative experts to audiences who trust their content over that from brands. Moreover, influencer marketing is more critical for B2B than for B2C: With B2B purchase price overwhelming B2C’s, word of mouth and endorsement is critical to the former’s success.

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Topics: Marketing, Analyst relations, Inbound marketing, Messaging, PR, Account-based marketing, Sales, ABM, Influencer

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