Why Integrated Marketing is Essential for B2Bs

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on May 8, 2024 6:19:00 PM

Today’s B2B buyers and their buyer’s journeys have changed, and that’s why integrated marketing matters - a lot.

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Topics: Marketing, Brand, Customer communications, Account-based marketing, Influencer, B2B, Customer journey, Integrated marketing, Influencer marketing

How SMART Goals Make for a Smarter Marketing Strategy

Posted by Consuelo Reinberg on Apr 10, 2024 5:56:00 PM

How can marketers get smarter about marketing strategy? The answer is goal setting, and more specifically - SMART goals setting. SMART stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.

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Topics: Content marketing, Content, Metrics, Social media, Persona, Inbound marketing, Messaging, Account-based marketing, Planning, Tactics, Buyer's journey, Integrated marketing, SMART Goals

The Real Need for Messaging as a Service (MaaS)

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on Apr 8, 2024 11:17:00 AM

Hmmm…should this be a blog or rant?

We’re constantly amazed at the number of companies who’ve been around for years and don’t have a cohesive messaging document (MD).

While I understand the aversion – MDs are difficult to execute, with various stakeholders within the company trying to get their voices heard – a well-conceived MD creates a virtual paint-by-numbers scenario, where all of your USPs are well defined for audiences across the purchasing chain, smoothing the account-based marketing process.

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Topics: Marketing, Brand, Customer communications, Message, Messaging, Corporate communications, Client relations, Integrated marketing

Quick Tips to Improve Your Website

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Aug 10, 2023 11:31:00 AM

Thanks for using K2 Global Communications Website Grader Tool. If you haven't, you can access it here.

No matter your score, here are some quick tips to generate more active visits for your existing and potential client base.

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Topics: Content marketing, Marketing, Brand, Customer communications, SEO, Account-based marketing, Client relations, Integrated marketing, Collaborative marketing, Website

Collaborative Marketing: No B2B Enterprise Is an Island

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Aug 1, 2023 12:57:00 PM

Collaborative marketing is a must-add to your overall B2B marketing strategy. Collaborative marketing means building connections, networking, and establishing formal partnerships among related, non-competitive businesses to increase brand awareness, gain new customers, and boost sales.

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Topics: Content marketing, Content, Brand, Customer communications, Integrated marketing, Collaborative marketing, Email marketing

Is B2B Collaborative Marketing Good for Business?

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Jul 31, 2023 11:53:00 AM

Know the pros and cons before you dive in

Like any endeavor, B2B collaborative marketing has its up and downsides. It’s up to the partner-brand companies to strike a good balance. Before we dive too deeply into B2B collaborative marketing pros and cons, definitions are in order because a few related terms - i.e., co-branding, co-marketing, brand partnership - are often bandied about and may cause confusion.

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Topics: Content marketing, Marketing, Social media, Brand, Customer communications, Integrated marketing, Collaborative marketing

B2B Messaging: Why It’s Different - and More Difficult - Than B2C

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on Jun 15, 2023 11:28:00 AM

Robert, CMO of a cybersecurity business, devotes his energies to making his company’s solution stand out in a very crowded marketplace. He ensures his marketing and sales teams stay on top of the latest available analytics, CRM, social media, and other technologies that’ll help them achieve his goals. While Bob is a super-effective CMO, he’s also a fanatical sportsman - forever trying to fit tennis matches in his already busy schedule - as well as a devoted dad of three.

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Topics: Marketing, Message, Messaging, B2B, Customer journey, Integrated marketing

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