Prepping for the Big Trade Show

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Jul 17, 2024 11:37:27 AM

Once upon a time, I covered trade shows as a market analyst for a major consumer publication.  Shortly thereafter I flipped to the other side of the desk and ended up with a press conference on one side of the Consumer Electronics Show and a photo shoot clear across the exhibition hall.  Let’s just say that roller skates were very much on my mind by the time I finished my Mrs. Doubtfire dash back and forth across the crowded exhibit halls.

I empathize with journalists who have been given the immense task of covering trade shows, scouting for new trends, and trying to maintain relationships with industry leaders. That is why when I have a client exhibiting, I try to be a resource to media covering the show by helping them identify my clients’ product introductions long before the show, setting up interviews or, better still, pre-show interviews to save journalist’s precious time, jet-lagged exhaustion, and, especially, their shoe leather.

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Here are some pointers for being a resource to media at your next trade show:

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Topics: Public relations, Journalist, News story, News value, Media resources, Press coverage, Press release, Media coverage, Trade show

"Oh, No!" - Three Common PR Mistakes

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Jan 2, 2024 2:05:00 PM

Recently, I spoke with a marketer who had used ChatGPT to revise some content he created; it initially performed in its "regular" way - writing the idea clearly, but being quite redundant. Of course, he had to tweak the prompt to ask it to vary the word choice. Once it did that, it incorrectly stated that the product did X and Y as a single feature. He had then had to "teach it" that those were two separate activities until it provided decent results.

What if he were in a hurry or didn't know enough about the product to understand that the AI created an error that wasn't there before?

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Topics: Public relations, Journalist, News story, News value, Timeliness, Media resources, Press coverage, Press release, Media coverage, Media, Brand

Developing Blog Content Using the Evergreen Principle

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on Aug 14, 2023 1:01:00 PM

Content is king, and someone must create it.

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Topics: Public relations, News value, Content marketing, Blog, Israel, Content, Marketing

B2C Lead Generation: How to Successfully Hook and Hold Your Consumers

Posted by Consuelo Reinberg on Jun 26, 2023 12:46:00 PM

Consumers are overwhelmed with offers – WhatsApp ads, retargeting, Facebook and LinkedIn ads, text messages, and some even still watch TV and listen to the radio. In today’s super-competitive climate, if you want to get prospects’ attention and money, you’ll need to hook them with highly targeted messages wrapped in something:

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Topics: News value, Content marketing, Marketing, Customer communications, Messaging, Personas, Sales, Client relations, Video, B2C

Getting the Most from Your PR Team

Posted by Consuelo Reinberg on Jun 12, 2023 9:35:40 AM

So, you are getting ready to hire your PR team. (We're hoping it's us, of course.) No matter what, here are some tips that will help maximize the relationship.

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Topics: Public relations, Journalist, News value, Press coverage, Content marketing

The Early Client (Gets the PR)

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on May 10, 2023 11:54:00 AM

PR experts are attuned to the momentum of the media. We understand that in order to present a compelling package to any journalist - a story that gets them interested, it takes research beyond just what AI gives you and requires having all the tools, especially a messaging document and “quotes on demand” – ready to deploy at a moment’s notice.

Even with AI, your company sits on years of proprietary information - product details, customer-focused data, executive expertise - that can be leveraged to generate PR.

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Topics: Journalist, News story, News value, Media, Audience, Messaging, PR, Corporate communications

If No One Knows You're Out There

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on Apr 25, 2023 12:43:00 PM

The tension in the room was palpable. The CEO was clearly an unwilling hostage to the situation; that seemed clear. Amy and I were invited to this meeting by T, the vice president of marketing. He wanted to pursue a more aggressive marketing communications and public relations campaign to help his underperforming potential monster technology.

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Topics: Public relations, News value, Israel, Marketing

Is Your Story News - or Not?

Posted by Consuelo Reinberg on Mar 2, 2023 5:43:00 PM

Whether your story is truly newsworthy and worthy of press coverage isn’t just your call.

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Topics: Journalist, News story, News value, Timeliness, Press coverage, Local story

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