B2B Marketing: Don’t Confuse Strategy with Tactics

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on May 9, 2024 6:18:00 PM

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Topics: Marketing, Persona, Brand, Customer communications, Audience, Sales, Planning, Marketing strategy, Tactics

How SMART Goals Make for a Smarter Marketing Strategy

Posted by Consuelo Reinberg on Apr 10, 2024 5:56:00 PM

How can marketers get smarter about marketing strategy? The answer is goal setting, and more specifically - SMART goals setting. SMART stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.

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Topics: Content marketing, Content, Metrics, Social media, Persona, Inbound marketing, Messaging, Account-based marketing, Planning, Tactics, Buyer's journey, Integrated marketing, SMART Goals

Eight B2B Messaging Fails - and How to Avoid Them

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on Apr 3, 2024 6:03:00 PM

B2B messaging should clearly explain the unique selling propositions (USPs) and myriad advantages of your solution to everyone participating in purchasing process. Sometimes, that just isn’t achieved.

Fail 1 - The “too-broad” B2B messaging

General marketing blah-blah is not appreciated. Technology products are very rarely designed for general use, and the more specific you message to your personas, the better. Messaging must make it immediately apparent who benefits from your product and how.

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Topics: Persona, Customer communications, Message, Messaging, B2B

TIPS: Out of Great Content Ideas? How to Get the Juices Flowing

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on Jan 10, 2024 4:56:00 PM

“Writer’s block happens to all writers, including content marketing writers.

 With 91% of companies today using content marketing to attract leads and engage customers, as content marketers you can’t afford to run out of ideas. True, ideas are literally all around us, but finding that truly exceptional concept that results in more traffic, more leads and conversions, and greater consumer love and loyalty for your brand can be quite challenging – challenging, but not impossible. If you want to come up with fresh, relevant topics all the time, but feel that your well of content ideas has dried up, read on.

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Topics: Content marketing, Content, DIY, Persona, Brand, Ideas

Your Next Move in a Winning Cybersecurity Marketing Game - Refine Your Buyer Personas

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Jan 9, 2024 4:42:00 PM

Successfully marketing your cybersecurity solution is not a guessing game. Targeted marketing is like any other targeted activity – where you aim is where you’ll hit. Of course, that’s easier said than done. With hundreds of cyber solutions on the market, it’s difficult to find your security product’s unique niche so you can tailor-fit your message to the right buyers.

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Topics: Marketing, Persona, Audience

HELP WANTED: Eight People to Rock My Inbound Marketing

Posted by Consuelo Reinberg on Jun 29, 2023 6:45:00 AM

How to hire an A-team that delivers quantifiable results

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Topics: Public relations, Journalist, Content marketing, Content, Marketing, Metrics, Social media, Persona, Inbound marketing, Audience, Personas, PR, Corporate communications, SEO

Content Marketers: Why Hiring a Consultant Beats DIY Any Day

Posted by Consuelo Reinberg on Jun 19, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Let’s just cut to the chase: Never put DIY and content marketing in the same sentence.

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Topics: Content marketing, Content, DIY, Social media, Persona

Maximize Inbound Marketing with an External Team

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Apr 26, 2023 9:00:00 AM

You can have it all, just not at the same time, or so it seems. Your SEO expert is amazing but your writing team doesn’t have the time to create all the needed content nor create all the content and  landing pages. Your social media team has created comprehensive promotional campaigns but is falling behind on curating the objective content necessary to please your target audiences.

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Topics: Public relations, Content marketing, DIY, Social media, Persona, Inbound marketing, Customer communications, Personas, PR, SEO

Inbound Marketing: What ROI Can You Expect - and How Do You Measure It?

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Apr 20, 2023 10:50:00 AM

Or How to Get the Most Bang from Your Inbound Marketing Buck

While marketing budgets are growing and more and more companies are leveraging inbound marketing, many CEOs want to know: what returns are we getting out of our investment to prove that inbound marketing is the way to go?

 One, inbound has now displaced outbound in terms of clearly measurable ROI; two, the ROI areas prove the effectiveness of inbound marketing; and three, 10 metrics to consider when measuring inbound ROI.

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Topics: Content marketing, Content, Marketing, Persona, Inbound marketing, Customer communications

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