Show Prep with Time to Spare

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Jul 2, 2024 11:48:00 AM

Getting ready for a trade show can be overwhelming, even for those of us who are regular exhibitors. Early in my career, I was at a show every fifth week, which made life quite busy for a year or two. To make it simple for all of us, here's a quick and easy calendar of activities you need to keep in mind.

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Topics: Public relations, Press release, Media coverage, Media, Trade show, Staffing, Conferences, Giveaways

K2 Supports Your Trade Show Success

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Jun 26, 2024 11:34:00 AM


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Topics: Press coverage, Media coverage, Media, Trade show, Conferences

"Oh, No!" - Three Common PR Mistakes

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Jan 2, 2024 2:05:00 PM

Recently, I spoke with a marketer who had used ChatGPT to revise some content he created; it initially performed in its "regular" way - writing the idea clearly, but being quite redundant. Of course, he had to tweak the prompt to ask it to vary the word choice. Once it did that, it incorrectly stated that the product did X and Y as a single feature. He had then had to "teach it" that those were two separate activities until it provided decent results.

What if he were in a hurry or didn't know enough about the product to understand that the AI created an error that wasn't there before?

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Topics: Public relations, Journalist, News story, News value, Timeliness, Media resources, Press coverage, Press release, Media coverage, Media, Brand

Public Relations in the AI Age – An Overview

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on May 30, 2023 3:48:04 PM

Whether you want to hear it or not, In the age of AI, person-to-person communications are as important as ever. Everyone at any organization can become a content generating powerhouse, using AI to “write” post after post, blog after blog, article after article. Of course, all this content needs to be reviewed by great editors – since AI writing is bland and repetitive - but that’s another blog…

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Topics: Public relations, Press coverage, Media coverage, Media, PR, AI

Press Releases and the KISS Principle

Posted by Consuelo Reinberg on May 16, 2023 5:51:00 PM

The past decade has seen a clear trend toward attenuated press releases. Gone are the days of public relations people writing long screeds, with endless quotes and reams of data. This is partially an outgrowth of the use of email, social media, and chat as the preferred forms of communication between the public relations community and the press (which, for our purposes, includes bloggers and analysts). The explosion of technologies and information, in general, has, in turn, led to journalists’ exploding email boxes.

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Topics: Public relations, Journalist, DIY, Press release, Media coverage, Media

The Early Client (Gets the PR)

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on May 10, 2023 11:54:00 AM

PR experts are attuned to the momentum of the media. We understand that in order to present a compelling package to any journalist - a story that gets them interested, it takes research beyond just what AI gives you and requires having all the tools, especially a messaging document and “quotes on demand” – ready to deploy at a moment’s notice.

Even with AI, your company sits on years of proprietary information - product details, customer-focused data, executive expertise - that can be leveraged to generate PR.

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Topics: Journalist, News story, News value, Media, Audience, Messaging, PR, Corporate communications

Mindshare Makes a Difference

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on May 1, 2023 12:18:00 PM

Even in the days of AI, AI can't deliver the most critical asset you possess - your institutional memory - the why, how, and way you do business. 

Retaining a PR firm with the expectation that they’ll hit the ground running without knowing and understanding your business from start to finish isn’t realistic.

Even the savviest public relations professionals who have worked in your industry for many years require mindshare to get started and not just from the CEO. They may need to hear from your executives, sales force, current clients, and even prospective customers. Successful PR requires a highly collaborative approach.

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Topics: Public relations, Journalist, Press release, Media coverage, Media, Messaging, USP

PR During the Pandemic

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Jul 9, 2020 9:45:00 AM

The news situation is in flux right now. The demand for news is increasing – web traffic was up about 23% at top news sites the week of March 9 from the previous week and up 31% from the week of Jan. 6, and fewer subscribers are canceling. However, many U.S. national and global news outlets are cutting back to skeleton staff due to plummeting ad revenues.

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Topics: Media coverage, Media, Customer communications, Messaging, Personas, PR, Internal communications, Corporate communications, Technology

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