The PR Curmudgeon

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on May 9, 2023 6:08:00 PM

“Everybody has a price” – but, what if…

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Topics: Public relations, Marketing, Brand, Audience, Message, PR, Corporate communications

Getting the Right Analysts to the Table

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on Apr 13, 2023 10:15:00 AM

A pitch-perfect pitch can get top influencers to cover your product

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Topics: Journalist, Analyst, Analyst relations, Message, Corporate communications, Technology

Excess Trade Show Funds? Roll Them Over to Your PESO Campaign

Posted by Consuelo Reinberg on Oct 26, 2021 2:47:00 PM



Smartest way to reinvest COVID-impacted trade show budgets

COVID-19 and the resulting economic downturn has caused trade shows to disappear from the marketing horizon. Yes – many shows have gone online, but a virtual booth just doesn’t require the same investment.

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Topics: Journalist, Press coverage, Content marketing, Content, Marketing, Metrics, Social media, Brand, Audience, Corporate communications, Client relations, PESO, Earned media, Shared media, Owned media

PR During the Pandemic

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Jul 9, 2020 9:45:00 AM

The news situation is in flux right now. The demand for news is increasing – web traffic was up about 23% at top news sites the week of March 9 from the previous week and up 31% from the week of Jan. 6, and fewer subscribers are canceling. However, many U.S. national and global news outlets are cutting back to skeleton staff due to plummeting ad revenues.

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Topics: Media coverage, Media, Customer communications, Messaging, Personas, PR, Internal communications, Corporate communications, Technology

What Business May Look Like in the Post-COVID-19 World

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Jun 4, 2020 2:05:00 PM

K2 Global Communications has been working with Israeli technology companies for more than 15 years. As such, we have a good overall perspective on the key industries and players in the Israeli ecosystem.

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Topics: Content marketing, Content, Audience, Messaging, PR, Internal communications, Corporate communications

K2 Global Communications Named Top PR Firm Thanks to Our Clients

Posted by Amy Kenigsberg on Jul 8, 2019 7:44:14 PM

Over the years, our clients have given invaluable feedback and pushed us to become one of the best PR firms in Israel, as named by Clutch, a business news and tips site.

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Topics: Inbound marketing, Customer communications, PR, Review, Internal communications, Corporate communications

K2 Global Communications is Leading Agency on!

Posted by Consuelo Reinberg on Jul 2, 2019 2:24:23 PM
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Topics: Public relations, Marketing, Award, PR, Review, Internal communications, Corporate communications

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