Since starting our business almost two decades ago, we’ve seen companies
Larry Kenigsberg
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Topics: Public relations, Blog, Content, Marketing, Valuation
Developing Blog Content Using the Evergreen Principle
Topics: Public relations, News value, Content marketing, Blog, Israel, Content, Marketing
Topics: Public relations, Media resources, Press coverage, Blog, Israel
Seven Tips for Successful B2B Collaborative Marketing
The best version of collaborative marketing drives success for everyone involved – sharing channels to present complementary solutions strengthens both brands while increasing leads.
1) Select the type of B2B partnership you need
- Strategic partnership - Align with non-competitive companies that offer products or services that complement yours - for example, a healthcare provider and a health data platform that offers remote access - can help both brands reach into each other’s markets to expand their customer base and grow revenue.
Topics: Content marketing, Content, Customer communications, Corporate communications, Account-based marketing, Collaborative marketing, SMART Goals
Collaborative Marketing: Finding the Ideal B2B Partner
Collaborative marketing can be productive and profitable in your B2B marketing arsenal – if…
To gain the benefits of positive brand association, new marketing and product ideas, expanded market reach, increased social media following, and more, you need the right partner. You need a B2B vendor whose brand message and solution offerings are compatible with yours, with whom you can have a smooth and productive relationship, and whose impeccable brand reputation will reflect positively on yours.
Topics: Content marketing, Sales, Marketing qualified leads (MQL), Sales qualified leads (SQL), Marketing strategy, Collaborative marketing
Content Marketers: Why Hiring a Consultant Beats DIY
Topics: Content marketing, Content, DIY, Social media, Persona
B2B: Eight Ways to Successfully Market to Influencers
Recent research indicates that influencer marketing can generate 11 times greater ROI than more traditional strategies. Unlike conventional tactics that push a message in front of sometimes reluctant audiences, influencer marketing delivers your message via credible, authoritative experts to audiences who trust their content over that from brands. Moreover, influencer marketing is more critical for B2B than for B2C: With B2B purchase price overwhelming B2C’s, word of mouth and endorsement is critical to the former’s success.
Topics: Marketing, Analyst relations, Inbound marketing, Messaging, PR, Account-based marketing, Sales, ABM, Influencer
On Being Set up for Failure: Adventures in the Absurd
Nothing blows people’s minds more than turning down their business, especially in Israel’s business culture. As business people with a strong, American background, we seek to work in a win-win paradigm. Sometimes a request/demand/deadline/approach just won't work or is unreasonable. People are often incredulous when we decline to accept in an ill-conceived request, even when our decision is accompanied by a detailed explanation.
Topics: Public relations, Press coverage, PR, Client relations, Planning
Have you ever booked a hotel on Kayak or ordered a food processor from Amazon? These are all classic examples of business to business to customer (B2B2C), in which the manufacturer sells a product or service to the channel or route to the customer, making the latter’s end-product more valuable to the consumer.
Topics: Content, Marketing, Inbound marketing, Customer communications, Messaging, PR, Sales, B2C, Influencer, B2B2C, B2B
Topics: Public relations, Marketing, Brand, Audience, Message, PR, Corporate communications