Strategies for International Marketing Success

Posted by Larry Kenigsberg on Jul 1, 2024 3:04:00 PM

Working business woman with global reports and stock market change concept

Keep your edge and grow with targeted strategies and tactics. The key is to adapt what works at home and translate it into international marketing success.

Localization is Critical

Is your jargon international? Do your unique value propositions literally translate into the same thing across the globe? Will a cybersecurity professional in Indiana and Indonesia both understand what you mean by zero trust?

Make Sure Your Lawyers are on Board

Legal compliance is an international headache. Labor laws in France are significantly different than in the United States. Environmental regulations vary by region, let alone country.

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Price Accordingly

Inexpensive in one region is exceptionally expensive in another. You may want to consider different pricing structures based on the language; if you charge one price in one English-speaking nation and a different price in another, you may not want a pricing page on your website.

Be Sensitive to the Culture

Here’s a simple one for fashion brands. Your white wedding dress line will fail in Asia, where white is a color of mourning.

Understand Where They are on the Technology Adoption Cycle

Singapore is not a nation of laggards. They want the latest and greatest technologies. However, what if you are simultaneously selling in India? Tech adoption varies significantly by region. What they want in Bangalore may be very different than in Kolkata…

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“What’s in It for Me” Varies by Region

While farming is universal, farmers’ needs and wants vary by their crops, regions, experience, and even by ownership structure. Adapt your messaging and marketing infrastructure as well as your solution features.

tech distributors who can advise you on your best way forward. Such local partnerships will lend weight and credibility to your efforts.

Get Help from the Experts

From Australia and Africa to Middle America and Silicon Valley, K2 specializes in targeted B2B niche-focused strategies and tactics that drive leads. We specialize in translating complex technical solutions into clear messaging based on business needs across local and foreign markets.

Reach out to get the insights you need for international success.

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