Collaborative marketing is a must-add to your overall B2B marketing strategy. Collaborative marketing means building connections, networking, and establishing formal partnerships among related, non-competitive businesses to increase brand awareness, gain new customers, and boost sales.
Collaborative Marketing: No B2B Enterprise Is an Island
Topics: Content marketing, Content, Brand, Customer communications, Integrated marketing, Collaborative marketing, Email marketing
Is B2B Collaborative Marketing Good for Business?
Know the pros and cons before you dive in
Like any endeavor, B2B collaborative marketing has its up and downsides. It’s up to the partner-brand companies to strike a good balance. Before we dive too deeply into B2B collaborative marketing pros and cons, definitions are in order because a few related terms - i.e., co-branding, co-marketing, brand partnership - are often bandied about and may cause confusion.
Topics: Content marketing, Marketing, Social media, Brand, Customer communications, Integrated marketing, Collaborative marketing
Seven Tips for Successful B2B Collaborative Marketing
The best version of collaborative marketing drives success for everyone involved – sharing channels to present complementary solutions strengthens both brands while increasing leads.
1) Select the type of B2B partnership you need
- Strategic partnership - Align with non-competitive companies that offer products or services that complement yours - for example, a healthcare provider and a health data platform that offers remote access - can help both brands reach into each other’s markets to expand their customer base and grow revenue.
Topics: Content marketing, Content, Customer communications, Corporate communications, Account-based marketing, Collaborative marketing, SMART Goals
Who Are You? - Finding Your Target Audience
Topics: Blog, Marketing, Social media, Marketing strategy, Target audience
Collaborative Marketing: Finding the Ideal B2B Partner
Collaborative marketing can be productive and profitable in your B2B marketing arsenal – if…
To gain the benefits of positive brand association, new marketing and product ideas, expanded market reach, increased social media following, and more, you need the right partner. You need a B2B vendor whose brand message and solution offerings are compatible with yours, with whom you can have a smooth and productive relationship, and whose impeccable brand reputation will reflect positively on yours.
Topics: Content marketing, Sales, Marketing qualified leads (MQL), Sales qualified leads (SQL), Marketing strategy, Collaborative marketing
HELP WANTED: Eight People to Rock My Inbound Marketing
Topics: Public relations, Journalist, Content marketing, Content, Marketing, Metrics, Social media, Persona, Inbound marketing, Audience, Personas, PR, Corporate communications, SEO
B2C Lead Generation: How to Successfully Hook and Hold Your Consumers
Consumers are overwhelmed with offers – WhatsApp ads, retargeting, Facebook and LinkedIn ads, text messages, and some even still watch TV and listen to the radio. In today’s super-competitive climate, if you want to get prospects’ attention and money, you’ll need to hook them with highly targeted messages wrapped in something:
Topics: News value, Content marketing, Marketing, Customer communications, Messaging, Personas, Sales, Client relations, Video, B2C
Let’s start with a simple statement: in the age of AI, person-to-person communications are as important as ever. Anyone at any organization can become a content generating powerhouse, using AI to “write” post after post, blog after blog, article after article. Of course, all this content needs to be reviewed by great editors – since AI writing is bland and repetitive - but that’s another blog…
Topics: Public relations, Content, AI, Thought leadership
Content Marketers: Why Hiring a Consultant Beats DIY
Topics: Content marketing, Content, DIY, Social media, Persona
B2B: Eight Ways to Successfully Market to Influencers
Recent research indicates that influencer marketing can generate 11 times greater ROI than more traditional strategies. Unlike conventional tactics that push a message in front of sometimes reluctant audiences, influencer marketing delivers your message via credible, authoritative experts to audiences who trust their content over that from brands. Moreover, influencer marketing is more critical for B2B than for B2C: With B2B purchase price overwhelming B2C’s, word of mouth and endorsement is critical to the former’s success.
Topics: Marketing, Analyst relations, Inbound marketing, Messaging, PR, Account-based marketing, Sales, ABM, Influencer