Public relations isn't rocket science, as my partner has consistently reminded me over the past decade. However, it does take a significant amount of time, energy, and persistence.
Getting your news out there
Topics: Public relations, Journalist, News story, DIY
This basically comes down to an exercise in empathy.
Put yourselves in a journalist’s place. Your email box is flooded. You’ve got the pressures of staying abreast of key players in your markets while having to absorb the importance of new products and companies.
Most importantly, you’ve got deadlines.
Topics: Journalist, Press coverage, Marketing, Valuation
Topics: Journalist, News story, News value, Timeliness, Press coverage, Local story
Excess Trade Show Funds? Roll Them Over to Your PESO Campaign
Smartest way to reinvest COVID-impacted trade show budgets
COVID-19 and the resulting economic downturn has caused trade shows to disappear from the marketing horizon. Yes – many shows have gone online, but a virtual booth just doesn’t require the same investment.
Topics: Journalist, Press coverage, Content marketing, Content, Marketing, Metrics, Social media, Brand, Audience, Corporate communications, Client relations, PESO, Earned media, Shared media, Owned media
Topics: Public relations, Journalist, Press coverage, Marketing