Committing to inbound marketing means attracting and growing your leads and customer base via valuable and highly customized content and experiences. To successfully drive inbound marketing and sales, three things must happen:
1) Enhance team collaboration
Marketing, sales, customer service, and IT need to work together. Managing customer relationships entails different tasks throughout each phase - whether as a new visitor, prospect, customer, or promoter, so each group needs to be aware of their specific roles. The roles should be well defined to facilitate the inbound experience, with each team’s processes aligned to avoid friction and negative customer experiences. Ensure that team members understand how everyone needs to work together, especially the responsibilities, processes, and procedures. A strong internal communications plan strengthens collaboration and productivity.
Hold consistent feedback sessions to avoid conflicts. Last, but not least, avoid these two productivity destroyers: duplicate efforts and multiple tools that accomplish the same thing.
Marketing must
Sales must
Service must
2) Go from funnel to flywheel
Today’s customers are more skeptical, more informed, and more likely to harbor significant expectations. Therefore, businesses are now aligning their success around their ability to provide a remarkable customer experience - better business is built with better relationships.
To achieve this, companies must change their marketing approach from the funnel model - a business-centric, linear approach that breaks the customer’s journey from awareness to purchase - to the flywheel model, an approach that puts customers at the heart of the strategy. Happy customers drive more referrals and increase company sales.
With social media and word of mouth driving most purchase decisions today, it’s easy to see why an approach that views customers as a major sales driver wins over one that sees the same customers as simply an outcome.
The flywheel model:
3) Get all the tools you need in one toolbox
Here are your three main responsibilities as an inbound marketer: Become visible -- or get found. Nurture and convert leads. Measure revenue or success.
Increase your online presence with
Tools to nurture and convert leads
Tools to measure revenue
Empower your inbound strategy with HubSpot
HubSpot optimizes your inbound power while saving time, effort, and resources. It merges tech, marketing, and sales in one platform, delivering all the tools you need to attract prospects, convert leads, and close customers. Manage all your marketing activities - from content creation to CRM to marketing automation - in one place. Benefit from ease of use, tons of effective features, and the comfort of 24/7 tech support.
K2 partners with HubSpot to help our clients achieve their business goals. Call us to help you optimize the HubSpot platform for your inbound efforts.