K2 Global Communications - Targeted Customer Communications

PR During the Pandemic

Written by Amy Kenigsberg | Jul 9, 2020 6:45:00 AM

The news situation is in flux right now. The demand for news is increasing – web traffic was up about 23% at top news sites the week of March 9 from the previous week and up 31% from the week of Jan. 6, and fewer subscribers are canceling. However, many U.S. national and global news outlets are cutting back to skeleton staff due to plummeting ad revenues.

See what the media itself has to say about the situation:

What this actually means is that newspapers are now having a similar shake up to what business media faced about 15 years ago. The trade journals are struggling, too, but they are already lean and mean – and they still need you to tell them what’s critical to know for the industry.

Clearly, getting news in general media outlets will be more difficult. Unless you have a cure, very relevant corona story, experts on the forefront of medtech or research, it is very hard to cut through the media clutter to get attention.

It’s time to more fully leverage content marketing. Companies need to create compelling stories that will give journalists unique content that they can adapt – or just publish as is.

For more information about how to approach internal and external communications during this crisis, download our guide.